Sunday, August 8, 2010

Blueberry Muffin - my tweaked recipe :)

Now, of all the recipes I tried out, I had a hard time finding one that I liked for blueberries muffin. It's the berries season for goodness sake! This frustrates me non-stop, I'm (at times..hehe) a perfectionist! Do you know how frustrating it is each time you do something and you're just not satisfied with it? And everything was followed perfectly through!

I ended up baking blueberries pie and apple pies, both of which I'm not that satisfied with. The first apple pie was nice, but too juicy inside (imo). Second apple pie was too sour (cos I used granny smith apple along with other apples) and blueberries pie tho looks good, taste too sour. I'm digressing here but gimme a break. I'm just lamenting how hard it is to find a good recipe that satisfies my taste bud!

I was told, cooking is like chemistry. If you follow the instruction to the T, there is no way you can go wrong with your recipe. Trick is - sometimes the recipe calls for whip on high speed, and recently I researched KitchenAid blender. There are 10 speeds! So, between 8,9 and 10 - which one is considered high speed? Obviously I need to do more research!

So after putting through my truly 'blessed' hubby and myself through several testing (there are recipes with poppy seeds, sour cream and other stuff) I finally came down to this one.

I like my muffins sweet, not (like my hubby put it) ass gluing sweet, but sweet enough that I don't feel like I need to add sugar into my milk to add taste!

I think this recipe can still be tweaked further, but maybe not. I'm quite happy with how it turns out so I'm keeping it. If you do tweak it, let me know what you did and how it turns out!

close up on blueberries, yummm

don't they look real yummy? hehehe

Dry Ingredients
2 1/2 cups of self-raising flour
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup fine white sugar
1/4 cup packed brown sugar

Wet Ingredients
1 1/2 cups room temp milk
1 stick plus 2.5 tbsp of melted unsalted butter
2 eggs, room temp
2 cups of blueberries
1 tsp vanilla essence

  • Pre-heat your oven to 400F.
  • Aerate (read notes below) the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder, white and brown sugar in a bowl.
  • In another bowl, pour the melted butter, room temp milk, vanilla essence and eggs together. Whisk briskly to blend well. 
  • Pour wet ingredients into the dry ingredients bowl, toss in the blueberries and mix until mixture is lumpy but no obvious dry flour. Pour into your cupcake pans (at this point, I use cupcake papers so it's easier to remove them).
  • Bake one side for 10mins then turn it around for another 10 mins. If you have one of those awesome oven that bakes evenly, skip this step.

Aerate can be done by two ways.

  • Traditional - use a sifter. I'm pretty sure all of us know how to do this.
  • Modern - use a whisk! Just run your whisk through the flour mixture to ensure it's well blended. Works the same way!

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